The Best Book I Read This Month: A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan

The best book I read this month was a disturbing account of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana in the 1920s. A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan charts the rise and spread of the KKK in the early 20th century, focusing on D. C. Stephenson and his control of the KKK and Indiana.

It was a harrowing read. Egan did not sugarcoat the Klan’s hate and violence, or D. C. Stephenson’s. At times, it was hard to stomach. Stephenson had all the markings of a sadist, and in many ways, reminded me of a certain Republican former president/current presidential candidate. (I refuse to use his name.) Both made a practice of not paying their debts. Both had unquenchable thirst for power. Both had a history of sexual violence and sexual assault. Both avoided consequences for their crimes until a woman called them to account.

Egan’s tale is not just about D. C. Stephenson. It’s about those who tried to stop him and the young woman who eventually did: Madge Oberholtzer. Madge was educated, independent, strong—everything we imagine a young woman of the 1920s to be. To her, Stephenson was a path to a career. To Stephenson, she was a conquest waiting to happen. Stephenson ultimately took what he wanted, but unlike his other victims, Oberholtzer fought back in a dramatic and public way.
As difficult as this was to read in places, it also gave me hope. D. C. Stephenson was a monster but his reign of terror finally ended and he finally faced legal consequences (conviction and prison) for his actions. That gives me hope that our current monster will also finally face legal consequences for his actions. As of this writing, he’s been convicted in New York but has not yet been sentenced. He is also awaiting trial in Florida and Georgia. Maybe, maybe, maybe he too will end up behind bars, where he belongs.

The Best Book I Read This Month: The Collective by Alison Gaylin

Of all the books I read this month, the one I’m still thinking about is The Collective by Alison Gaylin. The story follows Camille Gardener, who finds a group called the Collective in her search for justice after the death of her teenage daughter. Ostensibly a support group for grieving mothers, the Collective quickly proves to be much more.

The story required a bit more suspension of disbelief than I could muster, but I still found it intriguing. Camille’s experiences as a grieving mother—the experiences of all the grieving mothers in the story—say something about our society’s expectations of grief. Namely, that society’s expectations of grief are unrealistic. Nobody gets over the death of a loved one, especially the death of a child, quickly. Yet society expects the grief-stricken to “move on” within a matter of weeks. No wonder the mothers in this story find solace in the Collective. It’s the one place they feel understood, the one place their grief is valid.

There were parts of the book that did not ring true for me, but it was the food for thought in the premise that made this the best book I read this month.

The Best Book I Read This Month: The Witch and the Tsar by Oleysa Salnikova Gilmore

The best book I read this month was a magical tale, a retelling of the Russian legend of Baba Yaga. Olesysa Salnikova Gilmore’s The Witch and the Tsar transplants Baba Yaga to Russia during the rule of Ivan the Terrible, where the witch and the tsar are first allies and then enemies.

The story is infused with magic and the supernatural side by side with history. It even includes my favorite figure in Russian folklore, Koschei the Deathless. We learn Yaga’s story—past and present—as she fights to save Russia from a supernatural threat that has consumed the tsar. It is an interesting take on Ivan’s madness and blood-thirst.

But the story is about more than death. It is about love too: love of country, love of family, romantic love, platonic love, filial love.

I enjoyed this book. I found Yaga a sympathetic character, not the boogeyman she’s often portrayed as, and her love story, compelling. I especially loved being immersed in Russian mythology. I discovered new legends and new figures that I want to read more about. I am eager for Gilmore’s next book.


The day has arrived! Outlaws is now officially out in the world.

I spent 11 years working on this book, and today I am feeling ALL of my feelings. I am thrilled to share this story with the world. I am sad to say goodbye to these characters, who have kept me company for a decade. I am gratified by the enthusiasm and support that I’m seeing for the book.

So thank you! Thank you to everyone who helped in the book’s creation, from my first critique partners to my beta readers to my editor and cover designer to my pocket friends on social media who have cheered me on and shared my posts. I could not have done this without you.

Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day!

P.S.—It’s not too late to order a copy. See my Books page for order links!