

Earlier this year, I shared that one of my horror stories had been accepted into an anthology. Well, the anthology is here, and with it, my story “Greeks Bearing Gifts”!

Say hello to ProleSCARYet!


The book will be available on May 1st, but you can preorder it here:

Paperback: Bookshop.org

Kindle: Amazon

Nook: Barnes and Noble

(Technically, you can also buy the paperback at Amazon or Barnes and Noble, but I’d rather support independent bookstores, which is what Bookshop.org does.)

One note: This is a collection of horror stories. My story is horror in the vein of The Twilight Zone, but others in the anthology might lean toward to the gory side of the genre. Consider yourself warned.

Happy (scary) reading!

Coming to an eReader Near You . . .

I signed the contract today, so I guess it's official: I sold another short story!

My story "Greeks Bearing Gifts" was accepted for inclusion in the horror anthology, ProleSCARYet, by Cursed Morsels. The story is a revised version of the tale that won Round 2 of the 2017 NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge, about what happens when a door-to-door salesman offers a financially-strapped unemployed factory worker a way to make ends meet—at a cost.

I don't have a publication date or purchase information for the anthology yet, but you can bet I'll post when I do.

The Best Book I Read This Month: The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp


The best book I read this month was another book related to writing, and no, I didn’t plan it that way. I wanted to read a book about creativity, because my creative battery is drained, and I thought this one—The Creative Habit by choreographer Twyla Tharp—would offer a different perspective than traditional writing craft books. I did not expect to fall so utterly in love with it.

In her book, Tharp explains what is needed to develop a creative habit (creative DNA, discipline, rituals, an archive, a bubble) and the nature of creativity (ruts, grooves, failure). She also provides exercises—some esoteric, some practical—to help draw out and explore creativity.

Her explanations are filled with examples from her own life, as well as from historical and contemporary figures of note. She refers to Mozart and Beethoven and Richard Avedon and Billy Joel, among many others. Her examples are drawn from across the spectrum—dance, music composition, photography, writing, painting, sculpting, and business. As she points out, creativity and creative thinking have many different applications.

And like Stephen King, Tharp writes in a very down-to-earth, accessible style. I never once felt condescended to, nor did I feel that she was holding herself up as the One and Only Expert. If nothing else, one recurring theme throughout the book was that each artist needs to develop habits and systems that work for themselves. There is no “one size fits all” in the creative habit.

So much in this book resonated with me that I’m looking forward to reading her latest one, Keep It Moving.

The Best Book I Read This Month: On Writing by Stephen King

I love that the cover of my paperback edition looks like a cover for one of King’s horror novels.

I love that the cover of my paperback edition looks like a cover for one of King’s horror novels.

The best book I read this month was actually a re-read of an old favorite, Stephen King’s On Writing. I read the book when it first came out in 2000, and reread it this month with my writer’s group. It’s still one of my favorite books about writing and, for the most part, it holds up after twenty years.

On Writing is part memoir, part philosophy. King recounts his journey from childhood to best-selling author and, in an epilogue, tells about the horrific accident that occurred during the writing of the book. My favorite anecdote in the book is the story of how his wife, Tabitha, saved Carrie. She literally pulled the manuscript out of the trashcan. That book turned out to be the one that launched his career.

In addition to telling the story of his life, King also shares his thoughts on the craft, process, and business of writing. When I first read this book twenty years ago, as a baby writer, I took every word he wrote as gospel. After all, he is the Great and Powerful Stephen King. Now, with twenty years of writing experience under my belt, I came away with a different view, one much less absolute than King’s.

Much of what King says holds true for me—the importance of reading in order to write, the importance of writing for yourself first before sharing your writing with others, the importance of having a command of the basics of language. But now I see the privilege that allows him to make such grand pronouncements as “You must write X words a day.” He could spend hours a day churning out thousands of words because he didn’t have to do the mundane day-to-day tasks of running a household. His wife did/does that. (All this made me wish I had a wife like Tabitha to take care of all my household stuff so I could also have hours a day to write.) Because each of us had different life circumstances, I think my view is more “find what works for you”—and that may not be writing every day or writing thousands of words a day, as King recommends.

Where King got it absolutely wrong was in his advice about finding an agent. I’m in the Query Trenches now in my own search for an agent, and King’s advice is flat out wrong. It may have been right when he was a newbie writer looking for representation, and it may even have still been true when the book was published in 2000, but it absolutely is not true now. So if you want an literary agent, find another source of information. This book will steer you wrong in that regard.

That said, this is still one of my go-to writing books. I love King’s down-to-earth tone and his use of humor, and his advice about the craft of writing feels timeless. I suspect I will be re-reading this again down the line.

The Best Book I Read This Month: Description by Monica Wood


The best book I read this month was a writing craft book called Description. Don’t let the title fool you, though—the book is about more than writing descriptions. It talks about point-of-view and dialogue and plot and story. At 168 pages, it is one of the richest craft books I’ve ever read.

Written by Monica Wood, Description is an old book. Published in 1995 by Writer’s Digest Books, it’s now out of print and I had a devil of a time finding it. I’m glad I did, though. The book is a master-class in the importance of word choice in every aspect of the writer’s craft: description, character, setting, point of view, story, and narrative. My highlighter got quite a workout.

So many writing books are either pompous (“To be a real writer, you must do XYZ”) or overly justified (“It’s important that you do this or no one will read your work—or something equally catastrophic.”) Wood’s Description is neither. It is concise and direct. It gives writers the power of choice and provides examples of each type of choice. For example, “Show, Don’t Tell,” Wood cautions, is a common but frequently misunderstood piece of writing advice. She says it’s not about always showing and never telling, but rather knowing when it’s better to show and when it’s better to tell.

Each chapter concludes with a summary of the chapter’s main points, which will prove helpful when I need to refer back to it during my revision passes. It also includes a handy list of additional tips and tricks in the back—something that could easily be turned into a revision checklist.

I have a strong suspicion that I’m going to be coming back to this book again and again as I write and revise from here on out.